New Lands, Lo!, Wild Talents by Charles fort

Dopo aver analizzato in modo proficuo la directory "The book of the damned" di C.Fort, in questa seconda bloggata su C.Fort, si scandaglieranno i tre testi editi dall'autore: New Lands (1923) / Lo! (1931) / Wild Talents (1933)

Obiettivo dell'analisi sui TRE testi è:
  • estrarne eventi UFO appartenenti a qualsiasi data,
  • estrarne eventi UFO appartenenti all'intervallo 1864<=t<=1939 con cui rimpinguare una serie ufologica pre-WWII

I risultati della lettura, taggati con [eventi fortianici] sono stati inseriti nella serie

I tantissimi eventi presenti in nei 3 libri di C.Fort, non citati in questa lunghissima bloggata (fare riferimento alla pagina del file in pdf, per una rapida ricerca) sono stati ignorati in quanto:
  • gli eventi sono stati ritenuti irrilevanti (bolidi, meteore, aerostati, dirigibili, fulmini globulari, miraggi/inversioni termiche, pareli, lieve turbolenza atmosferica, fuochi d'artificio, esercitazioni militari d'artiglieria, esplosioni per incidenti ed incendi, eruzioni vulcaniche, terremoti, lampare cinesi, luci di proiettori, ecc... in generale circostanze imputabili a cause naturali/umane possibili, annesse al contesto storico dell'evento)  e/o 
  • eventi roboanti privi di dettagli concreti e sufficienti per esprimere una valutazione razionale, oppure 
  • eventi incongruenti per shape/colore/dinamica di volo con tecnologia UFO aliena già nota, oppure 
  • eventi incoerenti nella narrazione/descrizione dell'evento e quindi assimilabili ad hoax

New Lands by C.Fort (1923)
Di tutti i libri di Fort, il testo "New Lands" è il peggiore, in quanto le sue speculazioni serie o scherzose, circa i continenti nel cielo e la presunta forma della Terra, sono tutte idee palesemente smentite dalle immagini satellitari.

Early in the year 1821--and a light shone out on the moon--a bright point of light in the lunar crater Aristarchus, which was in the dark at the time. It was seen, upon the 4th and the 7th of February, by Capt. Kater (An. Reg., 1821-689); and upon the 5th by Dr. Olbers (Mems. R. A. S., 1-159). It was a light like a star, and was seen again, May 4th and 6th, by the Rev. M. Ward and by Francis Bailey (Mems. R. A. S., 1-159). At Cape Town, nights of Nov. 28th and 29th, 1821, again a star-like light was seen upon the moon (Phil. Trans., 112-237).
Evento ufologico nel 1821, UFO a tecnologia insettoide, sosta lunare per raccolta di Elio3/Elio4 

At five o'clock, morning of Oct. 20, 1824, a light was seen upon the dark part of the moon, by Gruithuisen. It disappeared. Six minutes later it appeared again, disappeared again, and then flashed intermittently, until 5:30 A.M., when sunrise ended the observations (Sci. Amer. Sup., 7-2712). And, upon Jan. 22, 1825, again shone out the star-like light of Aristarchus, reported by the Rev. J. B. Emmett (Annals of Philosophy, 28-338).
Evento ufologico nel 1824, UFO a tecnologia insettoide, sosta lunare per raccolta di Elio3/Elio4 

Feb. 13, 1836--in the western crater of Messier--according to Gruithuisen (Sci.Amer. Sup., 7-2629)--two straight lines of light; between them a dark band that was covered with luminous points.
Evento ufologico nel 1836, UFO a tecnologia insettoide, sosta lunare per raccolta di Elio3/Elio4 

But by signaling, I mean something like the appearance that was seen, by Hodgson, upon the dark part of the moon, night of Dec. 11, 1847--a bright light that flashed intermittently. Upon the next night it was seen again (Monthly Notices R.A. S., 8-55).
Evento ufologico nel 1847, UFO a tecnologia insettoide, sosta lunare per raccolta di Elio3/Elio4 

In the Rept. B. A., 1856-54, it is said that, according to "Mrs. Ayling and friends," in a letter to Lord Wrottesley, a bright object had been seen in the sky of Petworth, Sussex, night of Aug. 11, 1855. According to description, it rose from behind hills, in the distance, at half past eleven o'clock. It was a red body, or it was a red-appearing construction, because from it were projections like spokes of a wheel; or they were "stationary rays," in the words of the description. "Like a red moon, it rose slowly, and diminished slowly, remaining visible one hour and a half." Upon Aug. 11, 1855, Venus was two weeks from primary greatest brilliance, inferior conjunction occurring upon September 30. The thing could not have been Venus, ascending in the sky, at this time of night. An astonishing thing, like a red moon, perhaps with spokes like a wheel's, might, if reported from nowhere else, be considered something that came from outer space so close to this earth that it was visible only in a local sky, except that it might have been visible in other places, and even half past eleven at night may be an unheard-of hour for astronomers, who specialize upon sunspots for a reason that is clearing up to us. Of course an ordinary fire-balloon could be extraordinarily described

Accendendendo Stellarium, posizionandosi su Londa con la data del 11/8/1855 si scopre che:
  1. al tramonto ad Ovest alle 20:28UTC circa era visibile bassa sull'orizzonte Venere. 
  2. Poi nell'addentrarsi della notte (che si suppone con condizioni meteo ottime) spuntano un sacco di stelle e pianeti. Giove sorse ad Est alle 21:03UTC, 
  3. Urano sorse ad Est alle 23:10UTC, 
  4. Aldebaran sorse ad Est alle 1:14UTC, 
  5. Saturno sorse ad Est alle 1:30UTC, 
  6. Marte sorse ad Est alle 3:18UTC,
  7.  persino Mercurio sorse ad Est alle 4:24UTC, 
  8. Rigel sorse ad Est 4:28UTC prima dell'alba. 
  9. Inoltre per tutta la notte c'erano visibili Cappella a Nord, Arturo ad Ovest, Antares a Sud, Altair a SE, mentre Deneb e Vega splendevano quasi sullo Zenith. 
Si conclude che il presunto evento del 11/8/1856 è Marte che sorse ad Est alle 3:18UTC circa

It is a period of great activity--or of conflicting ideas and purposes--upon the moon: new and experimental demonstrations, but also, of course, the persistence of the old. In the Astronomical Register, 5-114, Thomas G. Elger writes that upon the 9th of April, 1867, he was surprised to see, upon the dark part of the moon, a light like a star of the 7th magnitude, at 7:30 P.M. It became fainter, and looked almost extinguished at 9 o'clock. Mr. Elger had seen lights upon the moon before, but never before a light so clear--"too bright to be overlooked by the most careless observer." May 7, 1867--the beacon-like light of Aristarchus--observed by Tempel, of Marseilles, when Aristarchus was upon the dark part of the moon (Astro. Reg., 5-220). Upon the night of June 10, 1867, Dawes saw three distinct, roundish, black spots near Sulpicius Gallus, which is near Linne; when looked for upon the 13th, they had disappeared (The Student, 1-261).
Evento ufologico in aprile 1867, UFO a tecnologia insettoide, sosta lunare per raccolta di Elio3/Elio4 

Journal des Debats, April 12 1905: That every evening the luminous object was continuing to appear above Cherbourg; that many explanations had been thought of: by some persons that it was the planet Jupiter, and by others that it was a comet but that no one knew what it was. The comet-explanation is of course ruled out. The writer in the journal expresses regret that neither the Meteorological Bureau nor the Observatory of Paris had sent anybody to investigate, but says that the prefet maritime of Cherbourg had commissioned a naval officer to investigate. In Le Temps, of the 12th, is published an interview with Flammarion, who complains some more against general inenarrable-ness, and says that of course the object was Venus. The writer in Le Temps says that soon would the matter be settled, because the commander of a warship had undertaken to decide what the luminous body was. Le Figaro, April 13: The report of Commander de Kerillis, of the Chasseloup-Laubut--that the position of L'Astre Cherbourg was not the position of Venus, and that the disc did not look like the crescentic disc of Venus, but that the observations had been made from a vessel, under unfavorable conditions, and that the commander and his colleagues did not offer a final opinion.

Accendendo Stellarium, centrando su Cherbourg con data 12/4/1905 il Sole tramontava alle 20:05UTC e bassi sull'orizzonte ad Ovest erano presenti Venere e Giove. Poi alle 21:00UTC il cielo era davvero pieno di stelle! ad Ovest c'era Rigel, Beetelgeuse, Aldebaran, Procione, la cintura d'Orione, a SudOvest svettava Sirio, a Sud Alphard, a SusEst Spica, ad Est Arturo, a NordEst le stelle Vega, Deneb, a NordOvest Mirach, nei pressi dello zenith c'era la Luna piena, e poi Polluce, Regolo, Mekaliham, la Polare, il grande Carro...
La paranoia del 12/4/1905 fu dovuta sicuramente a Sirio oppure Vega, Rigel, Aldebaran, Beetelgeuse, Alphard, Spica, Arturo, Deneb, Mirach, stella Polare, Regolo, Mekalinam che affollavano il cielo del 12/4/1905 dopo le 21:00UTC

Lo! by C.Fort (1931)
"Lo!" fu la terza opera di saggistica pubblicata da Fort, nel testo l'autore descrive dettagliatamente una vasta gamma di fenomeni insoliti. Nell'ultimo capitolo del libro, Fort propone una nuova cosmologia, secondo cui la Terra sarebbe stazionaria nello spazio e circondata da un solido guscio (teoria, palesemente smentita dalle immagini e dati satellitari)

Shining things, flying like birds, in the fields of North Norfolk continued to be reported. The brilliant things looked electric. When they rested on trees, everything around them was illuminated. Purdy s descriptions are very different from a pale, yellow glow. Upon the night of December 1st, he saw something that he thought was the lamp of a motor cycle, moving rapidly toward him, in a field, stopping, then rising several yards, moving higher, and then retreating. It moved in various directions. See the Field, Jan. 11,1908.
Evento UFO del 11/1/1908 al nord di Norfolk con fenomenologia Foo Fighter - tecnologia insettoide

Something else was reported, in this region. In the Eastern Daily Press, Jan. 28 1908, it is said that, at night moon bright- a dark, globular object, with a structure of some kind upon the side of it, traveling at a great pace, had been seen in the sky, by employees of the Norwich Transportation Company, at Mousehead. "It seemed too large for a kite and, besides, its movements seemed under control, for it was traveling against the wind."
Evento UFO del 28/1/1908 al nord di Norfolk con fenomenologia Foo Fighter - tecnologia insettoide

London Daily Express, February 15, and following issues, 1923-brilliant luminous things moving across fields, sometimes high in the air at Fenny Compton, Warwickshire. They were "intense lights," like automobile headlights. Sometimes these luminous things or beings, hovered over a farmhouse. It was a deserted farmhouse according to the London Daily News February 13. About a year later, one of these objects, or whatever they were, returned and was a swiftly moving light, by several persons, one of them Miss Olive Knight, a school teacher, of Fenny Compton (London Sunday News, Jan. 27, 1924).
Evento UFO del 15/2/1923 Warwikshire (GB) con fenomenologia Foo Fighter - tecnologia insettoide

Wild Talents by C.Fort (1932)
Come i precedenti lavori di Fort, il testo "Wild Talents" pubblicato nel 1932 è una rassegna di fenomeni anomali, in cui l'autore sembra dare ampio spazio ai poteri psichici & mentali, con una scrittura umoristica ed ironica, risultando un testo di facile lettura.

Salvo errori ed omissioni involontarie, non sembrano essere presenti in "Wild Talents" di C.Fort, anomalie che possono avere una radice paleoufologica.